Getting Kubernetes Metadata on Linux Nodes

June 13, 2024

Getting Kubernetes Metadata on Linux Nodes

As they say, context is king. The saying holds especially true for cybersecurity tools which are most effective when used with full context.

This post will discuss how you can get Kubernetes Pod metadata for a process on a Linux node in a Kubernetes cluster.

PID to Container ID

First, we can check the /proc/[pid]/cgroup file for the PID we’re interested in to know if it belongs to a process running within a Kubernetes Pod. This file also gets us the container ID for the process.

The /proc/[pid]/cgroup file should contain a line that matches the following regular expression:


Some examples from our unit tests:

// minikube+docker kubernetes cluster
line = "0::/system.slice/docker-2d0bdb07d9875685a9444722fb0c9a5a602c7c0fb43df67bc15298d65f55d7ca.scope/kubepods.slice/kubepods-besteffort.slice/kubepods-besteffort-podccb388c7_7a47_44fe_8a22_c4ba2e3cb768.slice/docker-878d41c03caa1b1033c1e7cb6c5ed75aafa2673d8aaaae5025e959a7b5c5dc38.scope"
containerId = "878d41c03caa1b1033c1e7cb6c5ed75aafa2673d8aaaae5025e959a7b5c5dc38"

// regular kubernetes clusters
line = "10:pids:/kubepods.slice/kubepods-burstable.slice/kubepods-burstable-podade50c4e_141d_4b61_a154_c835f04f0d73.slice/cri-containerd-bdc11dc1d24720bfac0c05040d3d54f0525c64e0275f4e7d9028711504b4fac7.scope"
containerId = "bdc11dc1d24720bfac0c05040d3d54f0525c64e0275f4e7d9028711504b4fac7"

line = "0::/kubepods.slice/kubepods-besteffort.slice/kubepods-besteffort-pod3d1b4f66_e156_4950_a838_c4d71c423e81.slice/docker-2bb91674d621cab821417b69dc96b12de89daeed340852e7dd48c82ed45efcf5.scope"
container_id = "2bb91674d621cab821417b69dc96b12de89daeed340852e7dd48c82ed45efcf5"

line = "12:hugetlb:/kubepods/burstable/pod1a32b976-4e23-459d-8925-b71621b1c339/2cfe3b181e6065cf064f546ae953d0a639113cea821ca770abf266db5c508fa8"
container_id = "2cfe3b181e6065cf064f546ae953d0a639113cea821ca770abf266db5c508fa8"

Container ID to Kubernetes Pod

Next, we make use of the /api/v1/pods endpoint of the Kubernetes API to determine which pod a container belongs to on the Linux node.

While we can run kubectl proxy --port=8080 and use curl to make a request to the API, you may find it interesting to know that we can also use the kubectl command to make the request for us.

The kubectl get pods --all-namespaces command also uses the /api/v1/pods API endpoint, and you can see the full, untruncated HTTP calls it makes by running kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -v=10.

However, that can get overwhelming for large clusters (our humble dev cluster returned a 400+ KiB response!).

The kubectl command has another neat flag that we can use, --output jsonpath, which allows us to extract only the information we need from the response. For example, to get the container IDs of all the pods in the cluster, we can use the following command:

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --output jsonpath='{.items[*].status.containerStatuses[*].containerID}' | sed 's/ /\n/g'

PID to Kubernetes Pod

With the information we have now, it’s simply a matter of mapping the container ID discovered in the /proc/[pid]/cgroup file for a PID to the container ID in the response of the /api/v1/pods endpoint.

Levo's eBPF Sensor uses some of the ideas discussed in this blog post and some eBPF magic to get the full Kubernetes context for every single API call made by a process running inside a Kubernetes Pod.

A cropped screenshot of the Levo dashboard that shows the context tab for an endpoint trace .containing Kubernetes metadata
Kubernetes Context for an Endpoint in the Levo Dashboard

The eBPF sensor uses a custom Kubernetes API Client written in C++ and does some fun stuff like caching the Kubernetes API responses, using field selectors for optimized calls, using pod owner references to get metadata about deployments and more, but let's save those for another blog post :). Sign up at to see it in action.

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