Secure Healthcare APIs: A pre-requisite to HIPAA Compliance

December 5, 2024

Secure Healthcare APIs: A pre-requisite to HIPAA Compliance

Buchi Reddy B

CEO and Founder at Levo

Having spoken to over 1000 DevSecOps professionals, I can attest that they are stretched thin across all sectors. 

However, for those in healthcare, the pressure is exceptionally intense.

As the industry shifts from volume-based to value-based care, decentralization becomes essential to deliver efficient, holistic, and cost-effective outcomes. 

APIs are powering this transformation, enabling interoperability and data exchange among all healthcare system stakeholders despite their legacy infrastructure.

Recent regulations, such as the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule, require healthcare providers to maintain accessible API directories, further accelerating API adoption. 

Today, six in ten hospitals facilitate API-powered data submissions, while nearly 90% offer EHR access through APIs. 

However, like many novel and promising technologies, APIs are often implemented without fully understanding the security risks they introduce. 

This oversight leads to successful exploitations, with 78% of surveyed healthcare enterprises reporting API-induced security incidents. 

These breaches not only undermine customer trust and organizational reputation but also result in HIPAA violations and subsequent penalties.

With regulatory and patient demands at an all-time high, slowing down or halting API adoption is not an option. And it doesn’t have to be.

I've found that compliance, regulatory, and security success do not have to be mutually exclusive, even when your APIs are growing exponentially. 

Instead, they can be achieved exhaustively by following certain API Management practices.

These core practices, which we've championed since our inception, are detailed in the blog below.

Healthcare’s API Boom: Innovation at the Expense of Security 

APIs enable modular development, allowing developers to bypass building functionality from scratch and instead access pre-built libraries that expose essential business logic and secure systems of record in a standardized format.

So, APIs enhance not just patient experience but also significantly enhance developer experience, hence the rapid adoption. 

But what happens when APIs proliferate uncontrolled and uncatalogued across your entire network? 

Let's look at what would happen at a Hospital. 

One team builds Scheduling APIs for real-time appointments. At the same time, another oversees the integration of Registration and Financial APIs to streamline check-ins and billing, ensuring secure integration with internal databases.

Simultaneously, IT teams handle FHIR APIs to enable compliant access to EHR systems, supporting clinicians' data needs. Meanwhile, other teams focus on IoT APIs to capture real-time patient health data and Public Health APIs to securely share information with external partners like health apps and insurers.

These integrations create an intricate, interdependent web of connections among internal applications, patient applications, databases, backend systems, and third-party entities. 

While transformative for patient care, this interconnectivity multiplies the vulnerability surface several times, as vulnerabilities within any API endpoint can become an entire system compromise. 

Here’s how you can prevent such lateral movement into your systems with the below practices: 

API Visibility through API Inventory

Prioritize and mandate structured cataloging of APIs, categorizing them as internal, external, or third-party. 

This ensures that all development and security teams within the hospital have visibility into every API in the infrastructure, regardless of who built or integrated them or the specific care touchpoint they support.

Without a comprehensive inventory, most APIs would remain undetected and thus insecure, providing a direct pathway to attackers. 

For instance, consider an unauthenticated third-party API from a mental health application. 

Built by third-party developers and overlooked after integration by internal teams, it remains unmonitored and unprotected. 

Attackers could access and modify linked patient records in the EHR or appointment scheduling system, bypassing the security controls built around primary APIs.

API Documentation

While an API Inventory is helpful, it's insufficient by itself. 

API documentation should be actively maintained, covering all of the below details for each endpoint: 

  1. Version details
  2. Method
  3. Endpoint URLs
  4. Parameters
  5. Request and response bodies
  6. Status codes
  7. Error messages
  8. Data formats
  9. Rate limits
  10. Changelogs
  11. Support details

Security teams will struggle to carry out customized negative security testing on each endpoint without adequate documentation. 

This results in missed business vulnerabilities, including potential gaps in authentication, misconfigurations, and other weak points that attackers could exploit.

Map Sensitive Data Flows

Knowing which APIs handle sensitive data such as patient medical records, billing details, or regulatory information is non-negotiable. 

Without it, these endpoints could be left unmonitored, unauthenticated, or with inadequate authorization, exposing sensitive patient data to attackers.

Take, for example, the 2019 Quest Diagnostics breach. An unauthorized user accessed a billing API, exposing the personal and financial data of nearly 12 million patients. 

This breach could have been prevented if the security team had clear visibility into the APIs handling sensitive information and ensured they were properly secured.

Pre-Production API Security Testing

Healthcare enterprises are the most susceptible to cybersecurity attacks among all industries—and rightly so, considering the price of health data, which sells for up to $1,000 per record on the black market compared to $1 for credit card or social security numbers.

These breaches massively dent your financial standing, as each costs an average of around $11 million for detection, isolation, notification, post-breach response, and lost business. This doesn't even account for the loss of productivity experienced by 55% of affected enterprises.

Conducting pre-production security testing can help you mitigate, or at least decelerate such devastating incidents. 

Thus, offensive security testing should be mandated for all APIs before they are released into production for these categories: 

  1. API Authentication & API Authorization
    APIs often provide an entry point into an organization's databases, so controlling access to them is crucial. Lack thereof creates an easily exploitable opportunity for compromise and leakage of PHI. Test for implementing recommended and trusted methods like OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.
  2. Encryption
    SSL and TLS ensure that endpoints regularly exchange sensitive data in an encrypted way. Monitor and test to ensure that APIs encrypt data before and during transmission.
  3. SQL Injections
    Given that healthcare APIs interact with databases containing sensitive health records, a SQL injection vulnerability could allow attackers to bypass authentication, view, alter, or delete PHI. Aim to identify any points where user input isn't properly sanitized and ensure that all queries are parameterized to prevent malicious input from compromising data integrity and confidentiality.
  4. Verbose Messaging
    Ensure only essential information is disclosed in responses to prevent unintended data leakage. This minimizes the chance that attackers can use error feedback to exploit weaknesses within the API, preserving the confidentiality of sensitive data pathways.

Automated API Security Platform

In conclusion, APIs are a net positive for healthcare enterprises and patient care . However, without proper security measures, the risks can overshadow the benefits.

To mitigate these risks, healthcare enterprises should:

  1. Implement a comprehensive API inventory to ensure visibility and security across all APIs.
  2. Maintain detailed API documentation to streamline testing and address vulnerabilities.
  3. Identify and secure APIs handling sensitive data, prioritizing advanced security measures for these endpoints.
  4. Mandate pre-production security testing for all APIs with a special focus on OWASP API Security Top 10.

While the above practices will certainly help you mitigate security incidents, manual implementation of either or all is simply not possible, considering the current rate of adoption. 

The lack of coverage and high probability of manual errors are not worth the effort, given the repercussions of a subsequent breach. 

We at have automated all of the above use cases, so you can focus on delivering the best quality patient experiences.

Book a demo through this link to see them live in action! 

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